Friday 1 May 2009

Jibola Obalowo: Evaluation

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The genre of our media production piece is psychological thriller, which means it’s a sub genre. Sometimes the suspense comes from within one solitary character where characters must resolve conflicts with their own minds. Usually, this conflict is an effort to understand something that has happened to them. For Faye Ripley this is the constant battle with troubled past. These conflicts are made more vivid with physical expressions. I feel that due to the genre of the film we were able to create dynamic plot and to think critically as to why she became a killer. For example psychological thrillers often have complex storyline especially with independent productions. Memento is a good example, it use non-linear if you compare it another genre such as romantic the plot is usually boy meets girl and they fall in love. The tile of the film is Lifesaver, which is a contrast to her real feelings and actions. Although she is might to be someone that protects the public but instead she uses her power to what she wants and what she feels is right. We tried to challenge to perception of women it thrillers by having not only a female lead but also a female killer. The clip below show women portrayal on horror/thriller movies. We conform to a convention of thriller by giving our killer psychological problems which are she kills people who remind her of her mother. She had a really bad childhood and the only place she felt safe was near the water. she feels she has to eliminate anyone who she feels is a threat and could to take away her safe place.

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The victim in the opening of the thriller is a girl who is about 12 years old. We tried to emphasize her innocence through the use of the props we give her. For example the teddy bear shape float.

In thriller movies, women are often represented as vulnerable and incapable of looking after themselves when put in dangerous situations. The killer is usually male and because it’s a psychological thriller, they usually have a troubled past. We did not want to conform to the stereotype so we decided to cast a female as the killer life guide. The pictures below show typical likely victims in thrillers.

The Prestige (2006)

Double Indemnity (1944)

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Due to the production values, the opening feels like an independent film. So it makes sense to find an independent film distributor. Distribution is about releasing and sustaining films in the market place. I did some research and found Entertainment Film Distributors. They are the UK’s leading independent distributor. The company was founded in 1978. They found success with British films such as Run Fat Boy Run and St Trinian’s and are continuing to invest in the British film industry with the launch of the anticipated film Inkheart.

They operates both in the UK and Republic of Ireland and they distributes in theatrical, DVD rental and retail fields as well as licensing a substantial catalogue in both Pay-TV and Free-TV sectors. They have distributed films such as Finial Destination 1-3 and Pathology which is why I feel the movie would fit what they do. They would be able to reach a large audience.

4) Who would be the audience of your media product?

As a result of our questionnaire we decided that our target audience would be 15-30 year old. they would also be in the independent category. This is largely due to the production values and the plot. The film would be a certificate 15.

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